Dracopedia Field Guide: Dragons of the World from Amphipteridae Through Wyvernae - Identify dragons in the wild with the Dracopedia Field Guide! Have you ever stumbled upon a dragon egg and thought to yourself, "I wonder which type of scaly beast will burst forth from this delicate and dappled shell?" Well, wonder no more. This fantasy field guide is required reading--and required packing--for both budding and expert dragon enthusiasts. Don't leave home without it. This comprehensive and elucidating manual identifies the dragons of the world from Amphipteridae through Wyvernae. Each genus of dragon is meticulously chronicled--from winged Coatyls and Sea Orcs to itty, bitty Feydragons to fire-breathing Great Dragons--then broken down into additional subsets to help you discover what sets these magnificent creatures apart. Uncover the biology, history, behavior and habitat of each stunning and primeval beast through written and illustrated descriptions. Each dragon specimen entry includes the following important information for fast and easy identification: - Size - Weight - Visual descriptors, including color, distinguishing marks, wings, horns, beaks, etc. - Habitat - Diet - Conservation status - Common names Dracopedia The gold standard for dragon enthusiasts everywhere!
Read E-Book Online Dracopedia Field Guide: Dragons of the World from Amphipteridae Through Wyvernae
Book Details
⚡️Book Title : Dracopedia Field Guide: Dragons of the World from Amphipteridae Through Wyvernae
⚡Book Author : William O'Connor
⚡Page : 160 pages
⚡Published May 14th 2019 by Impact
Identify dragons in the wild with the Dracopedia Field Guide! Have you ever stumbled upon a dragon egg and thought to yourself, "I wonder which type of scaly beast will burst forth from this delicate and dappled shell?" Well, wonder no more. This fantasy field guide is required reading--and required packing--for both budding and expert dragon enthusiasts. Don't leave home without it. This comprehensive and elucidating manual identifies the dragons of the world from Amphipteridae through Wyvernae. Each genus of dragon is meticulously chronicled--from winged Coatyls and Sea Orcs to itty, bitty Feydragons to fire-breathing Great Dragons--then broken down into additional subsets to help you discover what sets these magnificent creatures apart. Uncover the biology, history, behavior and habitat of each stunning and primeval beast through written and illustrated descriptions. Each dragon specimen entry includes the following important information for fast and easy identification: - Size - Weight - Visual descriptors, including color, distinguishing marks, wings, horns, beaks, etc. - Habitat - Diet - Conservation status - Common names Dracopedia The gold standard for dragon enthusiasts everywhere!
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